How to Find Time to Do Everything

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that the days somehow are getting shorter and shorter? Or has it ever suddenly struck you that you are dreaming of a Time-turner like the one Hermione used to have? If your answer is positive, congratulations! You are one of the people who stay in a constant rush mode in a futile attempt to do everything they have planned for a day. As our hectic schedules grow, so grow the lists of the to-do things, and now from the first sound of an alarm clock until going to bed, we try to juggle all the duties in order to have them done. Quite often, only having a desire to do everything today is not enough, as time is a tricky thing but there are some methods with the help of which you may nail it!

Things that Make You Happy Go First

Among all the duties and chores, you are convinced you ought to do, there are, for sure, some of things you postpone performing because of your inner unwillingness and that is absolutely normal. Knitting a sweater for your friend’s dog or assisting community organizations is a good deed but if you are not that into it and feel that is more like somebody’s will imposed on you than politely pass it. Focus on what makes you happy, energetic and fulfilled; contemplate about things, which are vital for your long-term objections and can sufficiently improve your current situation and do those in the first turn.


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It’s all about Priorities

When you eventually make it clear for yourself what things you prefer to do first, then it’s high time to start prioritizing. The biggest mistake most people do is that they try to do everything in one day. Well, it is impossible, so brace yourself and accept that you won’t do 10 scheduled tasks in a row with keeping your sanity. Which is why try to pick around five the most important things from your list and put them on the week agenda. You may want to spend more time on them and less on the things that don’t contribute to your career, personality development or happiness.

Teach Yourself to Say NO sometimes

Trying to help out everybody, putting other people’s needs above your own will only lead you to exhaustion and disappointment. No matter how hard it is, learn to say "No" to people when their requests can only harm your own well-being and take out your energy without bringing anything rewarding instead.

Avoid Overscheduling

It might sound insane but making a week plan is only good if you come up to it reasonably. Putting too many tasks on your list-to-do and not fulfilling them can exacerbate your inner state and exhaust you even more, which is why stay realistic about your physical and mental capabilities while making a schedule.

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We all now live in the busy society, trying to squeeze tons of things to do on our day plans, but if we change our attitude and, instead of nervously glimpsing at our watches, we will relax for a moment and say “I have enough time, I will do it,” we can substantially ease our lives and preserve the balance of mind.

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