How to Write 750-Word Essay

When it comes to writing a long piece of academic writing, there are little of brave students who do not consider this action as a mundane torture. For most writing even a 750-word essay might seem to be quite a challenge; however, it is not that horrific. For you not to be petrified by the assignment, here are the guidelines by following which you may find that writing an extended essay is not an ordeal.

Primarily, always keep in mind that a good essay has a good structure, so that is what should be number 1 on your pre-planning stage. Think about dividing your essay into sections in such a way distributing the word amount of 750 words more or less evenly which guarantees you meeting the target of using the proper amount of words.

The second thing to do is to come up with an outline of your essay as well as the main idea of it. It’s an indispensable point for creating a good piece of writing. The extended outline will be your guide always reminding you of main ideas and their sequence which should be represented according to the decrease of their importance, in other words, your strongest argument is to be placed in the beginning of an essay whereas the least – in the end.


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Next step is to write an introduction to your essay, and it is highly preferable to use the key points you mentioned in the outline in it. Usually, the first sentence of your essay should be capturing and attracts the reader’s attention, so for this you can use different ‘hook techniques’. The last sentence of your introduction should maintain the main idea of your essay. By listing the crucial ideas, in the introduction which, by the way, should take you around 100 words you will give a potential reader the image of what your essay is going to be about.

Furthermore, bear in mind the use of examples for supporting the key points in each body paragraph. Whenever there is an argument, provide a thorough illustrative material to prove its importance. The supporting examples should enhance the ideas connect the body paragraphs in such a way creating unity and cohesion of an essay. By the way, do not ignore the use of transition words for this purpose with the help of which you can even extend the length of your essay to the desirable amount of 750 words if there is the necessity.

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Finally comes conclusion which should be around 100 words and should present all the vital ideas of the task united in this last paragraph. It should be interesting and confirm once again your thesis statement.

The last but not the least comes proof-reading stage which is about looking for mistakes and correcting them in order to get the nicely organized and well-written essay. There are various spell checkers you may want to use for this, so just search on the Internet or ask a good friend to edit it for you.

To sum up, writing a 750-word essay doesn’t really differ from writing a 500-word essay or so. Just bear in mind these little tips, and you will get it done.

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