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Guide to Interview Essay Writing

If you have to write an interview essay, there are five crucial steps you have to take. You can take just one – order a professionally written paper online.

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One mistake you should never make is underestimate the role an interview can play. Whether you have to write an interview essay as a part of your home assignment or participate in a job interview as a part of your career hunt, one thing you should do for sure is prepare. Take every chance to achieve a successful result. However, you can also try online interview writing services. If you want to know how to write an interview essay, take the five crucial steps described below.


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Step 1: Determine the Purpose of an Interview Essay

No matter if you are working on an interview essay or preparing for an interview, the first thing you should do is determine its purpose. For example, an interview might be conducted to advertise the position of an accountant at a bank and interview the candidates who submitted the most powerful resumes. In this case, it is useful to know the requirements to the position, such as formal education, specific qualifications, relevant professional experience, etc. Additionally, an interviewer should think about the necessary character traits, such as an eye for detail and intrinsic motivation. Besides, the interviewer and interviewee have a similar goal. Why is the interviewer conducting the interview? To choose the best candidate for the vacancy. The interviewee, on the other hand, wants to get the job. Next, the interviewer should think about the desired outcomes. The following questions might help determine the purpose of an interview:

  • What traits are we looking for in the ideal candidate?

  • Why are we organizing an interview instead of gathering the data from other sources?

Step 2: Interview Essay Format

A written interview essay must follow certain format you should be familiar. An interview essay has to follow the latest academic writing standards as well as meet the requirements highlighted in MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago or other guides of your choice. If you are not familiar with these standards, be sure to allocate enough time to study them – there is no way you can write a decent interview essay without following the requirements to the format. In particular, you should format the quotes correctly and create a bibliography on a separate page. Proper formatting is always among grading criteria and if you choose to ignore it, you will lose many points. In short, formatting might seem trivial, but without it, the paper is sure to fail. Of course, you do not have to worry about it if you decide to use the best interview essay writing services. The following steps you should take concern the essay outline.

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Step 3: Introduce the Story

The first thing to keep in mind is the first impression! Your essay should start with an intriguing opener. The best hooks are made of striking statistics, unusual facts, or interesting quotes from the interviewee. The beginning of the essay determines whether the reader will make it till the last sentence.

The most crucial element of the introduction is the thesis statement – the central idea of the whole essay. For example, an introduction can include the name of the interviewee, what they do, and then briefly explain why you consider them the most appropriate candidate for your essay. In other words, succinctly explain what makes the selected person special.

Step 4: Create Body Paragraphs

The easiest way to go with an interview essay is to follow a five-paragraph essay structure. Each separate paragraph will be discussing a different aspect of the central argument (thesis statement), yet all body paragraphs must be logically connected. The first sentence of every paragraph is called topic sentence and it expresses the main idea of the paragraph. Think of the information to include in each paragraph as of the lessons you would like to share with the world.

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Step 5: Finish the Essay with a Powerful Conclusion

This paragraph should summarize the most important ideas of the essay. In addition, you can include some comments about the person you interviewed.

Get a Custom Written Interview Essay on MarvelousEssays.org

If following all these steps is not something you are prepared to do right now, order a professionally written interview paper on MarvelousEssays.org. Contact one of our best professionals and learn how to create the best interview essays. By making an interview order, you save your time and make a worthy investment in the top-notch quality.

Our experts will spare no effort to help you improve your academic performance. Moreover, they will deliver your paper right on time! Until you hone your academic writing skills, you can use an impeccable paper as a sample.

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