Custom «Globally Focused Marketing Organizations» Sample Essay

Custom «Globally Focused Marketing Organizations» Sample Essay

The article What drives performance in globally focused marketing organizations? A three-country study reveals researchers’ endeavor to detect and study the factors that make a significant impact on the development and prosperity of the global marketing organizations. Specifically, the purpose of the scholars is to explore the connection between the following independent variables: “strategy, structure, leadership, processes, culture and industry globalization drivers” (Hult, Cavusgil, Deligonul, Kiyak, & Lagerstrom, 2007). It is a correlational study whereas all data was collected online. The sample of this research includes the GMOs of the United States and two European countries (Sweden and Norway). In particular, the GMOs’ senior managers of these states were recruited to participate in the online survey. 

The researchers hypothesize that in the global marketing organizations the level of global leadership is positively related to global strategy. In addition, the global leadership is positively connected with the globalness of the GMOs’ structure. Furthermore, the global leadership positively relates to the cultural notions and phenomena of the GMOs. The global strategy is positively associated with the globalness of the GMOs’ structure. What is more, the level of the global culture determines the extent of strategy, structure and processes that take place in the GMOs. The authors presume that the global strategy and structure of the GMOs is positively linked to industry globalization drivers. In addition, the globalness of the structure is positively connected with the GMOs’ processes and performance. Finally, in the GMO global market performance is positively related to global financial performance.


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The basis source of information is credible and appropriate. Considering the case, the researchers claim “we test the proposed framework in a multicounty setting (Norway, Sweden and the United States) to achieve a degree of cross-country validation” (Hult, Cavusgil, Deligonul, Kiyak, & Lagerstrom, 2007). Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the collected data presents valid and critically important insights.

The researchers reveal the following findings: the development of culture, strategy and leadership in the global marketing organization precedes its structure. Moreover, a certain strategy is implemented to construct a relevant structure. The GMOs’ processes and structure make a significant impact on “marketing and financial performance” (Hult, Cavusgil, Deligonul, Kiyak, & Lagerstrom, 2007). The opposite position to the information presented would be the hypothesis that the structure of the GMOs defines the leadership styles and strategies.

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Thinking about the other important aspects of successful integration into global marketing, one should consider the necessity to continue a thorough research of the above-mentioned variables. For instance, since the excellence of processes assures financial prosperity, it would be relevant to study possible ways these processes are influenced by the chosen strategy, structure and leadership styles. It is important to understand the significance of culture and its role in aligning with the standards of global marketing. Specifically, to understand the processes that take place in the GMOs the researchers are supposed to explore the connections between culture and strategy. Furthermore, considering the constant changeability of the contemporary world, it is essential to study which industry globalization drivers affect today’s global marketing and which are expected to have significance in the nearest future. It is also necessary to answer the question in what particular ways these globalization drivers impact the other dimensions of the GMOs. It goes without saying that the meticulous researchers of these aspects would provide crucial knowledge about the efficient ways of operation in the GMOs.

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Even though the article What drives performance in globally focused marketing organizations? A three-country study discusses critically important dimensions of successful marketing globalization, there are several other components that should be addressed and studied. For example, observing the performance of senior managers in cross cultural organizations, it is critically important to take into account the “political, legal and technological environment” of the country (Luthans, & Doh, 2012). In particular, it is necessary to explore the ways in which these peculiarities may affect the performance of CEOs as well as the working efficiency of their staff. Another related dilemma that should be considered is to what extent cultural penetration is relevant (is conducted to increase the effectiveness of the workforce) and acceptable (does not create negative outcomes). These are only some of the essential questions that should be studied and answered in order to increase the possibility of achieving and maintaining the standards of global marketing.

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To sum up, the contemporary world encourages the development of the global marketing organizations. Therefore, nowadays, the effectiveness of these processes is being actively studied by numerous scholars. The article What drives performance in globally focused marketing organizations? A three-country study depicts the study of Hult, T. G., Cavusgil, S. T., Deligonul, S., Kiyak, T, and K. Lagerstrom, who observe the connections between the major marketing dimensions. The examined dimensions include the strategy of the GMOs, its structure, the utilized leadership styles, the ongoing processes, cultural particularities of certain society and industry globalization drivers. The scientists report the results of their study informing that the choice of strategy and leadership styles, as well as the construction of culture, precede the globalness of the structure. What is more, a specific strategy is supposed to be utilized in order to develop a relevant structure. Furthermore, the processes and structure of the global marketing organizations considerably affect financial performance. In addition, it would be reasonable to consider the governmental, legal, cultural, technological particularities of the environment in which these processes take place. It goes without saying that the meticulous survey of the above-mentioned dimensions and correlated issues would help to increase the effectiveness of the GMOs’ performance.

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