Sample of a Speech Dedicated to Father

There are many occasions on which people might have to deliver a speech dedicated to the father. At first sight, it seems simple as father is the person you know better than anyone else. However, as any other piece of writing, it requires observing certain standards of style. Thus, the sample of a speech about one’s father will help to understand the main requirements to such type of speeches.

I might seem not old enough to make serious conclusions, but what I can definitely do is to assess the personality of my father quite differently from the approach other schoolchildren are likely to take to make sure their essays are graded with “A”. I am proud to tell everyone that my father has played three distinct roles in my life, which resulted from his being good-natured.

Firstly, my father demonstrated what it means to care for his family giving his heart to his children and wife. Not only does it concern the financial support of the family, but is also related to the spiritual bonds between all of us. There is no doubt the fact that he managed to earn enough money to provide us with all necessary things and more deserves respect and admiration. In spite of being extremely busy at work, he could always find a spare minute to have a conversation with his kids and demonstrate his devotion to our mother and us. We always felt we were the biggest treasure in his life. It took me many years to understand that we owed our comfort to my father’s commitment at work.


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Secondly, my father turned out to be my best friend. I doubt there are many people who can tell the same about their fathers. Mine was the first person I turned to when I was in any kind of trouble. It was my father to whom I confided all my secrets and the most intimate issues. Sometimes my friends were surprised to learn that I did something because it was my father who had advised me to do so.

Thirdly, and most importantly, my father taught me the most fundamental thing: it is always important to be a human, no matter what. There was one event, which proved he practiced what he preached. It was winter and we were coming home from our relatives. Suddenly we noticed a small kitten in the snow. We knew our mother would never allow taking it home so we did not even ask our father to do it. However, he took the kitten along and said he would find a good home for it. He set a perfect example of the way people should treat others.

To conclude, I am the happiest person ever to have a loyal friend, a careful supporter and a moral example embodied in one person – my father. I am trying to bring up my own children following the principles, in which my father brought me up.

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