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Custom Research Sample Essay

Audience Based Reasoning essay

This refers to identification of the audience by the speaker in order to adapt a speech of interest to them, a speech they can easily understand, and one that conforms to their beliefs. In analyzing the audience, the speaker has to be aware that the audience has their expectations about any ... Read more »

Coaching Styles at Elite And Grassroots Football essay

Introduction The changing landscape in global soccer management has necessitated  the establishment and implementation of a number of strategies geared at improving the levels of football clubs’ performance. The role of management  as a key feature in the realization of club ... Read more »

Eat When You Are Hungry, Not When You Are Bored essay

Eating should be done to satisfy the somach, not the mind. The rule number 47 in Michael Pollan’s book, Food Rules, is, Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored. A general observation he makes is the fact that most of us eat not because we are hungry, but because we are bored and want ... Read more »

Following Your Inner Voice essay

‘Do not let the voice of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.’ The main notions that Steve Jobs had left remain controversial and questionable. Renowned the world over for his entrepreneurial capabilities, Steve Jobs was one of the greatest innovators of all times. He had ... Read more »

Leadership essay

Introduction Any organizational leadership is faced with numerous challenges at their workplace. These challenges are inclusive of how a leader should relate with other individuals in an organization. This ensures a smooth running of organizational activities. Hence, teamwork provides basic ... Read more »

Marketing Research essay

Introduction Marketing help firms to communicate the value their products and services to their customers. Marketing aims selling the products and services to customers to build a long-term rapport between the seller and buyers. There are basic components of marketing, which include branding, ... Read more »

New Era for Newark and Power essay

Cory Booker is ambitious. The mayor has high dreams for his city and has an aim of setting a national standard, which will be an example for others to follow. Cory Booker is also committed to his work. His commitment shows when he joins the Newark police officers as they patrolled the city at night ... Read more »

Northern Copper Corporation essay

Q1 Factors that Contributed to Arsine Poisoning Poor Ventilation- According to Henri Moran, the environment supervisor, the concentrations of copper used was low resulting to emission of high amount of arsine gas. The building’s ventilation system after investigation proved insufficient to ... Read more »

Personal Constructs essay

Personal constructs are effective in giving a clear description of an individual’s character and personality.  Individuals are different and, therefore, have different personalities that define them as people of unique characters. Personality is shaped by stable feelings, thoughts, and ... Read more »

Personnel Security essay

In any organization, information plays a critical role in undertaking operations. Information security assists in protecting organizational data that are shared between customers and vendors during business operations. In addition, information security creates a strong foundation for both internal ... Read more »

Research Methods essay

Modern science incorporates a variety of approaches to describe and structure different notions and phenomena. To achieve this purpose, researches concentrate on the three main research methods, namely, the quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods that help to gather data and make an analysis ... Read more »

Rocks essay

Limestone, a sedimentary rock, because the rock is hard, compact, fine grained by feel, and looks white, and somehow glittering. The rock also feels wet and cool. Attributes of its formation Sedimentary rocks are grouped into two depending on the textures. There is the clastic type, which forms ... Read more »

The Egyptian Film Industry essay

The Arab production of films originated from Egypt with the production of its first movie in 1909 and silent films in 1920. However, the Egyptian movie industry did not lay its foundation until 1935 when Misri Bank established a studio known as Misr. The studio contributed to the production of more ... Read more »

Transactional, Transformational and Pseudo-Transformational Leadership essay

Transactional leader is focused on conditional rewards. The leadership involves an exchange process between the leader and his followers. Efforts by the follower are exchanged for specific rewards. For example, a parent, who negotiates with a child on how much of playtime should be spent on ... Read more »
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